every single human on earth needs to get better at this.

whoever stumbles across this, I ask you to please hear me out.

take 2 minutes out of your day to just read and absorb and really think about this, because there isn't a single person who can disregard this topic. 

I want to talk about the planet, our environment and our future as humans living on it. 

yeah environmental discussions definitely aren't the most riveting ones, they're often preachy and repetitive but at this point, it's no longer about 'trying' to start changing our ways. the simple fact is that, as a human race, we cannot afford to keep on damn procrastinating. 

if you need the statistics to take what I have to say 'seriously', by all means go find them. you'll be nicely overwhelmed by the amount of terrifying data to choose from. although, speaking from a general perspective I can assure you we are f*cked. 

there is an endless number of things that deserve to be discussed - the Paris agreement, passing the climate change threshold, the increasing occurrence of extreme weather patterns and rising global temperatures, but I want to focus on is our response to the matter, as individuals.  

we need to understand the big picture here. 

what so many people fail to realise is that, no matter what, the environment should be everyone's priority. we only have one Earth, and it's resources are definitely limited. as a society, our focus on the short-term is leading us further and further away from the problems we need to be addressing. 

sure, the economy is important, but without our planet there will be no damn economy anyways. if we keep going on living as we have always done, soon enough our animals and wildlife will become extinct, our fresh water supplies will run out, people will starve and wars will break out. this affects everyone whether we like it or not. it blows my mind to think that, for example within politics, often the most pressing issues are not in regards to fixing the mess we have made of this Earth, but instead about making more money. 

all I ask is for you to do your bit. understand that every single, tiny, insignificant thing you do makes a difference. because it damn well does. adapt your habits and stick to them. recycle properly, buy your morning coffee in a keep cup, turn off the lights when you're not in the room, or even better - buy an electric car, add solar panels to your house (which can save you money in the long-run despite the initial costs, by the way). it can be as simple as only taking one paper towel from the dispenser to dry your hands, instead of ten. go grocery shopping with reusable bags. every damn thing helps, and we have to make these changes. 

it is no longer about 'trying' to do better for the environment. it's now the fact that, if we don't, we will continue to speed up the inevitable. open your eyes !! we cannot afford to live in our own little bubbles any longer, we cannot pretend things aren't changing. innocence is bliss but reality is smack in the face. 

we have a responsibility, a moral obligation as humans, to take care of our only home. we will experience huge climate change repercussions in our lifetimes. no amount of money can replace this planet, and once it's gone - we're gone. doesn't that provide you with some damn motivation?

do your bit. 


  1. really enjoying ur blog my dear, you should set like a weekly challenges for people to give ago i.e get people sign an agreement to go straw free for a week or no plastic bags. by signing they have got to stick to the challenge and will see how easy it is and hopefully in the long run they can continue it and then each new week will be a new thing so will stack up quite nicely slowly and surely they r making changes to their lives in a challenging and exciting way. apologises for the babble but a lot of people struggle with the the idea of going all clean and green like it can seem daunting but if u do it bit by bit its as actually not too bad!!! P.S guess the chicken nugget who wrote this xo


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